Friday, October 16, 2009

Sample Essay: Argumentative

Do you agree that youngsters nowadays spend too much time on the computer chatting with their friends?

In my point of view, I absolutely agree with the statement. Averagely, youngsters these days always fill their leisure in front of the computer. However, this seems not to be during their leisure time only, but mostly of their time they spend to chat with their friends. The matters are, how one could be ‘tenaciously ‘ keeps their point just to chat with his or her friends? Moreover, what actually are the effects would be on them?

The most probable reason why the teenagers spend too much of their time chatting with their friends on the computer is nonetheless they lack of love and attention from their parents. Most of the parents today are busy with their works rarely spend their time on their own. Usually, they will enjoy and have fun with their friends through computer chatting. Furthermore, it is the easiest way to keep them in touch. However, it seems that they take too much time chatting until they tend to neglect their study, their homework and many more. Thus, it will propel the youngsters to become irresponsible on the tasks or works that they need to accomplish at the first place.

Besides, living in such a hectic world that is showered with modern tech, teenagers are prompted to enjoy the achievements of the high-tech. One of it is through the computer chatting. Yes, it is undoubtedly that it is the easiest and simplest way for communication. All you have to do is just sit in front of the computer and start typing anything you want to talk about. That is easy, right? Consequently, youngsters will take too much time to enjoy the chatting with their friends. As the result, there will be lack of communication among family members. Besides, they also rarely mix up with other people out there. For worst, they will ignore the importance of living in one society.

Since the youngsters spend too much time on the computer chatting, so this dilemma can be solved through co-operation and understanding between parents and their children. Parents should wisely divide their time and try to spend with their children. Parents can bring their children for vacation and share fun time together. Apart from that, parents also need to educate their children on how to mingle with the modern technology. On the other hand, youngsters should understand and know their responsibility as a child and also a student. Youngsters should spend time with their friends in other ways. For example, they can enjoy playing any outdoor games together. They also can discuss their homework together. Therefore, they will spend their time on computer chatting less. So, parents and children should play their own roles in order to overcome this problem.

As a conclusion, we all know that there are bad effects for youngsters who spend too much time on computer chatting. Fortunately, there are also solutions to solve these problems. So, try to think and act wisely thus happiness can be achieved in life. As the saying said, time is gold, right? Therefore, appreciate the time we have by doing something beneficial so that we can stand survive in this challenging world.


  1. Yes i can copy it,and give it to my teacher and say i do with myself . Thank you Madam!

    1. Im afraid thats not how you improve your english proficiency

  2. madam, may you please write a format of it? because i don't know where to put my thesis statement and etc.
